Anti-racist reading list

Sludge magazine was founded with the two main intentions. To create a platform to showcase young creative talent, giving young creatives the confidence that industry professionals  thought their work was worth showcasing. The second was to make politics, sociology and economics accessible and palatable to people outside of higher education. We know that the increased access to information due to globalisation and social media is overwhelming. We are constantly inundated with so many catastrophic events, that even if you take the time to start researching the cause of one issue, something else will arise before you get anywhere. The language of politicians and mainstream news corporations is also intentionally elitist (and downright misleading) at times. So we wanted to amplify different voices from every ethnic, religious, gender and sexuality background in hopes that the more different voices were speaking, the more people would find a voice that resonates with them. In regards to the public lynchings of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery, the home invasion and murder of Breonna Taylor, and the countless worldwide murders and injustices across the globe at the hands of white supremacy we decided to take some time to work out how best to address the matter at hand. 

We have decided to compile a reading list of all of our past articles that showcase white supremacy's global impact.

The “post-colonial” era doesn’t exist

Congo and Nigeria are a few of the many examples proving that the West’s colonial extraction methods on the continent never ended

Censoring Palestine: The Weaponisation of Anti-Semitism

In 2020 activist Dan Glass embarked on a journey exploring the conflation of anti-Jewish racism and anti-Zionism. In 2024 its more poignant than ever

Words Matter

How a small migrants’ rights charity is using their lived experience to tackle division

Eco-anxiety, and the privilege of potential climate threats

We shouldn’t be anxious, we should be angry.

The rise in living costs will impact vulnerable communities the hardest

Whilst many households will surely be impacted by the rise in living costs, already vulnerable minoritised communities will bear the brunt of such increases.

High & Mighty: Is the Weed Industry Neocolonial?

Vice's Strain Hunters features a Dutch based weed company travelling the global south in search of lucrative exotic material. Sound familiar?

Caster Semenya: When Fairness Is False
We delve in to the ever political world of sports to explore the IAAF's decision to deny Caster Semenya the right to compete in the sport she has long dominated
The root of modern medicine's failings towards Black mothers
Black mothers in the U.K. are four times more likely to die during childbirth. We explore why
Billionaire brunches and Black liberation
As Kanye West reportedly joins Jay-Z as rapper turned billionaire it’s important to remind ourselves that more Black billionaires doesn’t = Black liberation
KKK 🤝U.S. police 🤝Colonialism🤝U.K. police
The origins of anti-black racism: the way a necessity for cheap labour under capitalism set the beginnings of Britain and Europe's love affair with racism
Martyn Ewoma makes his film debut with God Save The Queen in collaboration with Sludge Magazine
Freedom of speech ≠ freedom from consequence
Sections of the far-right believe the biggest affront to freedom of speech in the modern world is being held accountable for spreading racial hatred.
Why Trump and team owners are missing the point
Nicholas Borghesi explores the president and NFL's disdain for peaceful protest.
Q&A with Amel Mukhtar
Meet Amel Mukhtar, the British Vogue staffer bringing political activism to the forefront
Adelaide and Red
The dichotomy between Diaspora and African Blackness (Spoilers)
‘The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’
and what it can teach us about manoeuvring for power in the Patriarchy

Skengman Churchill

Following today's gammon convention in Westminster that has seen far-right protests defending British values by urinating on memorials and fighting the police, Halima Nashir explains Churchill's true legacy

The French Knee on the Neck

As protests for racial justice permeate throughout the United States and the rest of the world, it's time to remove France's colonial knee from the neck of African development

Valorising the veil

As is often the case with customs that originate outside of Western society and religion, the veil has been demonised  and in equal measures co-opted to further right wing agendas. Oliver Stevens-Neck explores the West's orientalist fixation with the veil

Anything But Change

The replacement of Edward Colston's statue with Jen Reid is a nice moment. But is symptomatic of a culture of symbolism in lieu of action.

Misadventures with misogynoir

How Netflix turned a necessary exploration of the hyper-sexualisation of pre-teen girls into yet another avenue to silence, intimidate and bully Black women.

Prosper - Sorzano

Manchester's underground pioneer Sorzano delivers Propser. A short film about finding mental peace with all of the protest and anarchy currently going on around the world.

Q&A with Nubia Assata

We sit down with teenage author Nubia Assata to discuss Silent Screams. The poetry anthology comprised of poems about the Black experience through the fresh eyes of a 16 year old.

The government’s commitment to surpressing the past

Robert Jenrick and Boris Johnson want status of slavers to be protected to "protect British history". But British history has been sanitised by governments for decades.

Why is Britain in denial of institutional racism?

When issues such as institutional racism are brought to light, even with supporting cases, many Britons choose to deny and resist its existence. Connie Yates explores why

The Threat of Fascism is Here
Hani Thapa explores the parallels between the current Conservative government and widely understood conceptions of fascism.
How colonial lies shaped African sexuality
We uncover the scale of discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people in sub-Saharan Africa. Showcasing the need for pride as a worldwide protest to remain.
The story of the U.S. and U.K. in Afghanistan
After 20 years in Afghanistan, $2 trillion spent and countless lives destroyed what have the U.S. and the U.K. gained? A shit tonne of money actually.
An “Alternative” to “Stories Tinged by White Privilege”
Solomon PM explores the relationship between Black Westerners gravitation towards anime and the Eastern political sensibilities that inform the art form.
Praised on the catwalk, punished in the classroom
Black pupils are being excluded from school for wearing hairstyles appropriated by non-black fashion houses

We'd like to thank Halima Nashir for compiling a list of anti-racist literature classified by difficulty and topics. As explained in our piece Billionaire brunches and black liberation capitalism is bolstered by anti-blackness so please avoid buying any of the books listed from Amazon. Underneath our reading list is a list of black owned book shops to use alternatively, with thanks to Instagram user blazerfaizer. We would also like to thank Twitter user @esmeatgrlpwr for her list of important petitions to sign.

Beginners List: 

Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America - Dr Ibram X. Kendi

How to Be an Anti-Racist - Dr Ibram X. Kendi

So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma Olua 

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge 

Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire - Akala

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin DiAngelo

The Burning House: Jim Crow and the Making of Modern America - Anders Walker 

Topic specifics in brackets:

Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City - Matthew Desmond (housing discrimination) 

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America - Richard Rothstein (housing discrimination)

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness - Michelle Alexander (mass incarceration) 

Nobody: Casualties of America's War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond - Marc Lamont Hill (mass incarceration, police violence)

Are Prisons Obsolete? - Angela Davis (prison abolition)

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? - Beverly Daniel Tatum (education discrimination)

Blackballed: The Black Vote and US Democracy - Darryl Pinckney (disenfranchisement) 

Black Feminism:

Sister Outsider - Audre Lorde 

Killing Rage: Ending Racism - bell hooks 

Women, Race & Class - Angela Davis 

Black Feminist Thought - Patricia Hill Collins

Assata: an Autobiography - Assata Shakur

Bad Feminist - Roxan Gay 

Black LGBTQ+:

Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements - Charlene Carruthers

No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America - Darnell L. Moore

No Tea, No Shade: New Writings in Black Queer Studies - E. Patrick Johnson (editor)

Eating the Other: Desire and Resistance - bell hooks

Black-owned bookstores (U.K.)

Films and TV shows

Africa Turns The Page - The Novels That Shaped A Continent BBC Four (2020)

Black Hollywood: 'They've Gotta Have Us'  BBC iPlayer (2018)

Small Axe by Steve McQueen (2020)

The 13th by Ava DuVernay (2016)

When They See Us by Ava DuVernay (2019)

Exterminate All The Brutes by Raoul Peck (2021)

Happy unlearning - The Sludge Team

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