Umbro 100: Sportswear x Fashion

The heritage brands celebrate their centenary by showcasing their role in forging football’s love affair with fashion collabs.

Founded in 1924 by the Humphrey brothers (hence the hum-bro) the brand became one of the most influential forerunners in forging football’s relationship with fashion. Long before football x fashion collabs flooded the markets and bloke-core was trending on TikTok, Umbro tapped Nottingham heritage brand Paul Smith for a 2002 collaboration. This was the genesis of the summer looks that fill out our pub gardens every time the weather breaches 10 degrees. They didn’t stop there. High-fashion and streetwear’s biggest names including Aries, Christopher Raeburn, Kim Jones, the late Virgil Abloh,Supreme, Palace, Patta and VETEMENTS has also got the double diamond treatment across a range of collabs ranging from the kooky to the sartorial. In a collection curated by Professor Andrew Groves and Dr. Danielle Sprecher, the Westminster men’s archive welcomes the public to peruse a new exhibition showing the lineage of one of Britain’s most important brands. 

Article by Martyn Ewoma

You can see it for free from:

Monday to Sunday

11:00 - 19:00

April 12th - April 28th

Ambika P3 at the University of Westminster


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