A fashion editorial exploring how growing up across different parts of the diaspora shapes life outcomes
Destiny is an editorial exploring how differences in environments shape life outcomes for otherwise similar people. My long since deceased paternal grandfather has a number of grandsons (including myself) who have grown up across the diaspora. It has been interesting seeing how our lives differ now that we have reached adulthood. It has been extremely fulfilling building friendships with cousins across England, Europe and Cameroon and finding how many similar interests we have, despite growing up in different environments. It reinforces the idea that people are predisposed to having certain passions. I find this comforting because it suggests that everyone has a place in life and joy waiting for them if they are willing to look for it.
At the same time; the idea that we are all predisposed to certain life outcomes and that our paths are mapped out from birth, regardless of our efforts, is quite disheartening for people who strive to better their circumstances through hard work. Looking at the male cousins around my age, our comparative outcomes are more or less exactly what you would expect, given our respective upbringings and opportunities. From graduates with advanced degrees, to a deceased murder victim from a stabbing in London, our socioeconomic circumstances have dictated who we are, in a way that personal drive or individual personalities could not transcend.
As human beings I think most of us like to believe that we are individuals and that our efforts in life matter. Anecdotal evidence from my own life suggests that we are rather perhaps just actors in script that has already been written.
Creative direction, photography, styling and writing by Martyn Ewoma
Models: Mlungus and Melu Sibanda
Assisted by Gianni Lee
Shot at The Boardroom Studio
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